21 August 2010

Office Freezer.

Ahhh Thursday. It was my last day of work for this week. I got to the office at 8:00 and proceeded to put my lunch in the mini fridge. I then put my coke can into the mini fridge's "freezer". Surely that wouldn't be cold enough to hurt the can.... I came back for my soda around 2:00. It was feeling pretty solid. I set the can on my desk and popped it open. Put simply, it was like watching Mount St. Helens erupt on my desk. I sit there in slight shock and watch as the mess bubbles out angrily, good luck cleaning that up! I wiped and wiped and rinsed and when I finally got off work that day my desk was still sticky. By the time it was finished erupting there was about 1/3 of the contents left in the can and they were too frozen to drink right then. Moral of this story?: Don't put your soda in the freezer...ever.
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