13 August 2010

Curiouser and curiouser...

Honestly, I wasn't to sure how to start a blog... obviously my main question was "what do I post?". I've come to understand that blogging is about either things concerning you or things that you like. I thought about a few college level things that I would like to get around to "blogging" about but I knew non of them would be very good "intro blogs", I guess you could call it. So, I have a pretty good idea about what I'll blog about in the future but for now, this is my intro blog. This is my "Grand Opening" blog post! My "First Impression" blog post. Some people are defined by first impressions.... I hope that's not true about bloggers because this is basically all I have to impress you with right off the bat. Don't judge me by my first blog, just like you shouldn't judge a book by it's cover... (or it's movie). Give me time to bring you more. I'll talk college stuff, agriculture, pets, log funny experiences, random memories, compose short stories(maybe), perhaps even post piano clips, and maybe get a bit into politics(depending on my mood that day). I think you might find that I'm rather diverse in topics and I hope that I end up writing something of interest to someone. If you have something you'd like to see me write about: let me know! I could even do limited electronics reviews or research topics for followers. I have a feeling this bloggy world of blogging is going to become a special part of my day/week/month.... hopefully. So here's to the bloggy future: Cheers Chaps!

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